Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Single Catastrophe Theory

Fig. A shows the elevation of the Appalachian Mountains from Columbus Ohio to Charlotte North Carolina.

What made these mountains?

I believe the mountains are the result of several things. Compression buckling, EDM machining, and hydrological machining, with volcanism providing very little mountain building forces. First lets look at Fig. D. Which shows a clear example of compression.

The red arrow in Fig. D outline the compressed earth.

If any material is compressed to the point of failure, it will buckle, and there will be signs of this failure everywhere at the zone of the structural break.

This zone of the structural buckling will look like Fig. D. 

Fig. E shows the zone of structural buckling. With a clearly defined edge. Show by the red line. The red line shows where the compressive force stopped. The red arrows show where the compression started and or ended.

In fact all of the mountains are nothing more than a pile up of earth's plates caused by a massive, compressive force applied to the continents on the x and y axis, that is, from the sides.

All of these mountains were caused by buckling, sliding and slipping and piling up in each other.

It is important to understand that the forces where applied to the sides of the continents. That is, the continents were under immense pressure from the sides which caused the earth layers to crack and pile up on themselves, creating the mountains.

There are three things that can be used as evidence for this theory.

The buckled layers of earth.

The evidence left over by the movement of the continents.

And the evidence left over from what caused the movement of the continents in the first place.

I will attempt to prove all of the three, and my ultimate conclusion, with images.

First are the buckled layers of earth.

First this is what scientists think is going on.


Figure 1 shows what I think is going on. The broken earth layers are piled on top of each other, with magma pushing through the cracks. Note that the magma did not push up the layers, it simple followed the paths of least resistance.

This was the earth before the catastrophe.

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